Intuitive Hypnotherapy and Coaching

If you are on a Spiritual path and you are seeking a deeper connection to your Soul, clarity of purpose, Soul healing and alignment, this work is perfect for you.

I offer intuitive hypnotherapy, breakthrough intensives and Soul-alignment coaching to help you come home to your heart's truest desires so you can BE and DO in alignment your most authentic Soul expression.

How Does Intuitive Hypnotherapy Work?

My approach to hypnotherapy is rooted in the belief that we are One with Source (Universe, God) and that we have the power to heal and empower ourselves in this connection.

Using my voice, I help you relax into a deep state of receptivity where you can experience this connection in your own unique way.

During hypnosis, you are still present, aware and in control. You are simply in a deeply relaxed state where you can access your intuition and Soul guidance instead of defaulting to the fear-based, analytical mind.

As an empath, I receive messages, images or sensations to facilitate your experience with intuitively guided prompts based on your needs.

Together, we create intuitive synergy to empower you as the leader of your own healing, clarity or guidance.

Each session is catered to your most relevant needs whether we heal the root cause self-sabotage, release karmic attachments, clear burdens of past guilt or shame, amplify your Soul intuition, raise your vibration, embody your future Self, and more.

Hypnotherapy sessions may include any combination of the following:

  • Inner Child or Root Cause Healing
  • Past Life Regression or Future Self Progression
  • Energy Clearning or Emotional Release
  • Cord Cutting or Soul Retrieval
  • Soul Guidance or Clarity
  • Channeling your Angels, Guides or Spirit Animals

How Do Breakthrough Intensives Work?

Working at the level of your conscious mind, I direct your attention through a process of structured questions designed to help you experience an emotional or vibrational breakthrough.

This means moving from a state of resentment, irritation or frustration to a state of love, peace and gratitude around any trigger that still has a "grip" on your thought or behavior patterns.

Intensives are designed for those who are ready to be guided into a rapid state of surrender and focused thought in order to neutralize and release emotional charges that no longer serve them.

Intensives are perfect for those who are aware that everyone is our spiritual mirror, reflecting back to us the traits we are being called to own, embrace or transcend in order to return to our natural state of love.

How Does Soul-Alignment Coaching Work?

Soul-alignment coaching is for those who are ready to take action in alignment with their desires or who are experiencing a high-level of creative inspiration followed by overwhelm.

We put into practice your Soul's natural desire for inspired focus, positive momentum, disciplined structure and creative flow with Soul-aligned systems and processes that meet your unique needs, pace, desires and lifestyle.

This includes balancing your masculine and feminine energy so you can create (feminine) and deliver results (masculine) in collaborative harmony.

I help you leverage your energy cycles to keep you from burnout and make spiritual principles tangible and practical so you can manifest from a state of love, joy and confidence.

This gives you the present-moment feedback, accountability and celebration you need in order to sustain your momentum and alignment with a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment as you continue to evolve.


I offer single-sessions and 5-session discount packages. All sessions are approximately one-hour long, depending on the journey of each client. This includes hypnotherapy, breakthrough intensives, and coaching.

*All sessions are offered via Zoom.*

Single Session Rate:


5-Session Package Rate:

$625 (save $125)

How to Work with Me

All first-time clients are onboarded through a free 20-minute Zoom consultation.

If you are a first-time client, please book your free consultation here:

Share with me what you're seeking and I will share with you what type(s) of session(s) may serve you best. This is also a great opportunity to connect before diving into any deeply sensitive Soul work.

If you are a returning client, you can book your next session here:

If you'd like to book a 5-Session Package, email me at:

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