Hi loves! I'm Linda Sulvita, Soul Liberator for spiritual seekers, lightworkers and spiritual solopreneurs who are awakening to Oneness with Source (Unity Consciousness).
How I Can Help You
Whether you are new or experienced on your awakening journey and would love intuitively guided, spiritually conscious, 1:1 support, I offer intuitive hypnotherapy and coaching sessions to help you heal and embody what you seek.
If you are seasoned on your spiritual path and have already developed or shared your spiritual gifts as a lightworker or spiritual solopreneur in any form, you may be a perfect fit for Goddess Rising; a catered-to-you, multi-dimensional program to help you thrive doing what you love.
Remembering Who We Really Are
My awakening journey began in 2013 amidst the experience of Soul oppresion in a former relationship.
I lost a sense of self and felt like I could not go on. In desperation for healing, I was guided to a spiritual retreat.
There I was guided to practice mirror work (coined by Louise Hay) where I could be with myself, look into my eyes in the mirror, and say "I love you".
I attempted this in the privacy of my hotel bathroom and struggled until I walked out in frustration.
At that moment, I felt an energy nudge me back to the bathroom mirror, and I simply gazed into my eyes in silent surrender.
After the awkwardness subsided, a wave of emotion rose through me as I began to see and hear myself speaking into my eyes in the mirror.
Only, I wasn't thinking these words. It felt as if they were being vocalized through and as me:
"I love you, Linda. You've done nothing wrong. I have been here with you all along. Thank you for coming to know who I am."
I started bawling in overwhelm of what felt like Divine Love for the very first time. It was the energy behind these words that moved me to a state of bliss.
As I began to look around, I felt like I entered a new transcendence.
I touched the sink, the bed, the desk, and felt as if I were energetically merging with them.
I walked around the room in awe.
This continued as I looked outside across the patio. I felt at one with the palm trees, the sky, the beach.
I walked acrossed the street to the shoreline where I saw people walking and felt at one their Souls.
I felt like I loved these people so much when I didn't even know them.
Later, I would come to realize that I experienced Oneness with God everywhere, within and around every single one of us.
I experienced the essence of who we really are - spiritual consciousness in a human body.
The Journey of Awakening
Over the next 10 years and counting, everything that oppressed my Soul or triggered unresolved baggage was, and is, brought to light:
Codependency. Narcissism. People-pleasing. Overgiving. Fear. Abandonment. Neglect. Addiction. Abuse. Internalized homophobia. Self-oppression. Self-condemnation. Guilt. Shame. Denial. Spiritual Bypassing. Lack. Scarcity.
Along the journey I have come to experience that it's not until I own the darkness in me (no matter where I subconsciously took it on), that I am able to feel, express, heal and release what "blocks" the light in me.
I devoted myself to meditation, automatic-writing and prayer to practice communion with Source.
These practices allowed me to become crystal clear of my purpose to be a vessel of love and a liberator of Souls who are ready to own their Oneness with Source.
I followed the golden nuggets on the trail that led me to Soul-resonating teachers, healers and coaches who helped me in my exact moments of readiness and trained me in doing the same for others.
This included angel intuitive and psychic development, reiki, understanding the quantum field to neutralize emotional charges and facilitate breakthroughs, hypnotherapy, spiritual coaching and solopreneurship.
As a former school-teacher of 10 years, I experienced first-hand the level of social, emotional and intellectual breakthroughs that happen when kids know in their Soul that we see the love in them and know the light of who they really are underneath the baggage they take on from those who do not choose love.
It is the same for us as adults and our inner-child within.
I believe this light, this love, this God-Source energy is at the core of who we really are.
I experience healing and transformation as an eternal process of letting go of false identities and becoming more of who we really are.
What I Value
Growing up as a closeted spiritual mystic and lesbian, I experienced religious condemnation and took on the illusion of "love" as a toxic cycle of reward and punishment based on external control and approval.
To me, this did not feel like the love of God. It felt like fear and denial of God's love.
My direct relationship with God (Source, Universe) has helped me released the need to point fingers at others who have oppressed me and, instead, take responsibility for how I have oppressed myself.
This was the catalyst to my embodiment (and continued practice) of love and liberation.
As a result, love and liberation is what I value most for myself and for those I serve.
Like you, I experience fear and ego. I fail. I fall. I forget. All of it is part of our human experience.
And as we choose again to recommit and devote to our Oneness with Source every step of the way, we become more of who we really are:
Sovereign. Free. Heart-Centered. Genuine. Generous. Loving. Present. Nurturing. Peaceful. Reverent. Receptive. Expressive. Liberating. Aware. Grateful. Joyful. Accepting. Embracing. Abundant. Prosperous.
And SO much more.
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